Tuesday, November 20, 2007

When it rains it pours (in a good way!)

The last three weeks have been among the best highlights of my 2007.

On November 10 I returned from an awesome trip to the interior of Honduras, where for a week straight all I did was wake up, take photos for 12 hours, then drink local rum and go to bed. Awesome in the true sense, no surfer/west coast colloquialism. I've traveled a lot, I've lived in a lot of places and seen a lot of things, but never the poverty that I encountered in Honduras. But I'll tell you about my experiences there in a separate posting.

On November 17, I shot my first event for DC Magazine at the HomeAid Gala in Reston, VA.

Last night, I shot my second event for DC Magazine at the Hay Adams Hotel in Washington DC.

This Sunday, I'll be shooting stills of a tango video that my dear friend, Marisa (www.marisaportfolio.com), is shooting as a personal project.

It feels really good to be behind the camera on a frequent basis.

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