Friday, November 2, 2007

My AHA realisation

I'm a professional photographer moonlighting as a consultant. I'm not sure how my life ended up like this. Actually, I do.

I graduated with a degree in Visual Media/Photography but had no idea what I was supposed to do once out of school. I never took the time to develop a portfolio, and I didn't have any business skills. I worked in luxury retail for a while, then ended up as a jr. graphic designer at the company I'm currently working at. But now I'm a communications consultant. Close, but still not photo.

I've spent the last 5 years stagnating, questioning my talent and drive as a photographer, and have really struggled to figure out what I want out of life. Do I go the safe route, 9-5 pencil pusher, or give that all up in the name of photography?

The answer right now, is neither. I have a great job, a safe and stable one, that isn't as demanding as some other jobs out there. It's perfect, because it gives me the time and flexibility to really pursue my photography. I might be a sellout for saying that, but you know what? I like money, I like spending money, and I need money to buy photo equipment.

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