Wednesday, November 5, 2008


WE DID IT!! Last night, Barack Obama was voted in as the 44th president of America. It wasn't even a tight race; he won by over 180 electoral votes. My friends were crying for joy; he represents so much hope and and signifies the beginning of an entirely new cultural shift in the United States. Sebastien was spot on when he said that this is our generation's movement, our contribution to the cultural history of the USA. My family, which is largetly Republican, asked me why I voted for him. As a multiracial, multicultural person, how could I not?? I present the following excerpt from the New York Times; this expresses it better and more succinctly than I can:

“People feel he is a part of them because he has this multiracial, multiethnic and multinational dimension... He represents, for people in so many different communities and cultures, a personal connection. There is an immigrant component and a minority component...

... a successful negotiator of identity margins...

... for America to choose as its citizen in chief such a skillful straddler of global identities could not help but transform the nation’s image, making it once again the screen upon which the hopes and ambitions of the world are projected."

I got some great shots from our mini-election party at an Irish pub in VA, the swing state that voted Democratic from the first time since 1960. I'll post these shortly.

Graphic from Washington Post online, 11/5/08

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