Sunday, April 13, 2008

busy sunday

1) I woke up this morning at 7:30AM in a total panic about whether or not to frame my photos for Artomatic. I still haven't come to a decision, but I did select my space (as well as Marisa's) on the 9th floor. We got core wall space (sweet!), and the best thing about our spots is that we won't need to buy additional lighting - a green and frugal move. All that's left to do is finishing the touch ups, send images to the printer, and hang em up.

2) Finished editing the Saks Beauty Bar images for DC Magazine. Hope to see them published in next month's issue.

3) SONGKRAN!! Thai New Year is probably the most festive and crazy Thai holiday. Over there, traffic is blocked for hours because of the water fights in the middle of the streets. Also known as the water festival, water is used to wash away the bad luck from the previous year - most typically from the monks, but the water fights could suffice. At Wat Thai DC there were no water pistols, just stall after stall after stall of food. I did some shooting, but mainly ate. Am feeling very full and very happy.

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