Friday, February 8, 2008

photos that just follow you for life

It sounds weird, but sometimes I see flashes of photographs in my head. Sometimes they are images that I would love to create at some point in the future, and sometimes (most of the time) they are by famous photographers or a great photo I saw in a publication. One of those images is a studio portrait of a Frenchman selling glass, taken by Irving Penn. I remembered this image while reading about the Getty Museum's recent purchase of Penn's The Small Trades collection (see NYTimes article). The glass guy is a part of that series. I can't find a copy of this particular photo online, which is so frustrating. What I remember of the subject is a man posed against a grey backdrop per Penn's style (duh), wearing a this... thing that to the modern eye would not make me intuit that the subject sold glass. I see texture - gradients of grey, the quality of the man's skin, the detail of the material... It's so fascinating to me how some photos just have this impact, visually and emotionally, and you just can't forget it. I have to find it now!

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