Wednesday, February 27, 2008

photoblog du semaine

The Sartorialist. I love it (see link on left navi column). I spent three hours going through his archived posts last Saturday, and am habitually checking it every day now.

The simplicity of the images, singular photographic style, and defined focus (albeit fomulaic), are the site's strongest point. He scopes out areas of cities that make good backdrops, and hunts for the every day, well dressed person. His background in fashion certainly makes him a pro at finding interesting clothing combinations and evaluating why they are successful. I also find interesting how his style has evolved and become more refined. His 2006 images are more personal, a little rustier, and less colour dense as opposed to the refined, perfect lighting, colour saturated images that he produces now. I think it's great!

What I truly love about the site, and at the same time inspired yet intimidated by, is that he came up with a simple idea that has proven to be effective. He's now shooting for GQ, Vogue Nippon, and various other high-brow fashion mags.

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