Monday, January 21, 2008

photoblog sites (and the obstacles to updating my own)

The number of photoblogs in existence is completely mind boggling. I spent the majority of my day looking at photoblogs and researching how to make mine more savvy, and I have to say I'm more confused and overwhelmed than when I began my search.

There are so many amazing blogs and applications out there, and most of them revolve around actual photo postings than text narrative like my blog... which made me realise that I somehow need to link my blog to my website, or have the two accessible from the one location, or something. But I have no idea how to do this!!

Here are the 3 coolest sites I stumbled across today:
  • - Beautiful photographs but a not so intuitive site. An example of how a hobby became an award winning site
  • - I found this site when looking for lomography groups or clubs in the DC area, and some of his photos are taken with lomographic cameras (for more info on this, go to
  • - The former photo director of a major men's magazine offers his take on editorial and commercial photography
Here's a list of photoblog community sites (not ranked):
And finally, some photoblog application resources. I haven't included a description because I'm still trying to figure these out and learn how to use them:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tara,

Thanks for the plug. Love the photos in your gallery.

Cary Scott